pochons ou sachets zip hermétiques

Protect CBD products from oxidation with airtight pouches or zip bags

How do airtight pouches or zip bags protect CBD products from oxidation?

Pain reduction, stress reduction, improved sleep, these are all potential benefits that CBD can provide. However, this hemp molecule is very sensitive to oxygen. Indeed, when exposed to air, the hemp molecule can oxidize and lose its potency. This is why it is important to store your cannabidiol in an airtight bag. Find out how airtight zip bags protect CBD products from oxidation.

What are the effects of oxygen on CBD?

Oxidation is a natural chemical process that occurs when CBD molecules come into contact with oxygen in the air. This may seem harmless at first glance, but this process can have a significant impact on the quality and effectiveness of cannabidiol.

Alteration of chemical composition

When CBD oxidizes, its chemical compounds undergo changes. Indeed, this can lead to the formation of new molecules that were not originally present. However, it turns out that these can greatly alter the molecular composition of this hemp derivative.

Reduced effectiveness of cannabidiol

Oxidation can also impact the overall effectiveness of CBD. Compounds that have oxidized may have different properties than the original molecules. This may affect their ability to interact with receptors in the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Change in flavor of CBD products due to oxidation

Much like effectiveness, the flavor of CBD products can also be altered due to oxidation. Moreover, it can give a bitter or unpleasant taste in the mouth. This can, among other things, make the experience less unpleasant.

Power loss

As cannabidiol is exposed to air, it loses its potency. This means you will need to take higher doses to achieve the same effects. Moreover, greater consumption leads to more spending, which can have a significant impact on your budget.

How to preserve CBD products from oxidation

At the heart of the consumer experience, proper storage is closely linked to the oxidation of cannabidiol. As you understood previously, it largely determines the quality and potency of CBD products. Moreover, the more effective the conservation, the fresher the molecule remains.

The chemical composition and integrity of CBD are of great importance in preserving its quality. You must therefore pay particular attention to the choice of its container so that it protects your product as much as possible. 

The use of airtight pouches or zip bags is then an effective solution to prevent the phenomenon of oxidation. In fact, this type of sealed container helps maintain the quality of the CBD by creating a protective barrier against the air.

The solution against the oxidation of CBD products: airtight bags

Airtight zip bags prove to be the ideal solution against the oxidation of CBD products. In fact, they act as real shields against the process of deterioration. In addition to allowing you to store your cannabidiol, these pouches also preserve its potency and effectiveness by actively blocking one of its biggest threats: oxidation.

Airtight pouches are in fact made from materials specially designed to be impermeable to oxygen. They thus prevent ambient air from coming into contact with the product, considerably minimizing the deterioration process. In addition, the zipper on this type of container maintains an appropriate humidity level for preserving the CBD.

Once closed, these pouches also eliminate the risk of contamination. Microorganisms and particles that can alter the integrity of the product will no longer be in contact with the molecule, thus avoiding unwanted interactions linked to oxidation.

Additional benefits of airtight pouches

Beyond their ability to prevent oxygen from getting inside, airtight zip bags also provide other benefits. They are used in the preservation of CBD products against external aggressions such as light and humidity.

In fact, the vast majority of airtight pouches are opaque, which does not allow light, particularly UV rays, to reach the contents and alter them. On the other hand, some models may contain desiccant sachets, which prevents moisture from infiltrating the interior.

Airtight zip bags protect, among other things, your CBD products against the risk of contamination. They can be used for long-term storage and are easy to handle.

Also discover the regulations on the packaging of CBD products

Tips for optimal storage of CBD with airtight pouches

To guarantee the freshness and quality of cannabidiol over the long term, you can use airtight pouches. However, to ensure proper storage and avoid oxidation, there are a few points to follow: 

  • Prepare your CBD well before storing it. Make sure the product is clean and dry and choose the right amount to insert inside the bag.
  • When storing, insert the cannabidiol carefully, taking care not to damage it.
  • Before sealing the zip bag, try to reduce the amount of air in the bag as much as possible.
  • If you plan to store your product for the long term, consider choosing a cool, dark and dry place. Avoid exposure to light and heat.
  • The temperature must also be stable and constant so as not to influence the oxidation of the CBD.
  • Among other things, respect the expiration date of the product. If you are a seller, remember to mention this clearly and legibly. Also avoid consuming a product beyond its expiration date to ensure its effectiveness.

Airtight pouches or zip bags therefore play an essential role in preserving the potency and quality of CBD. In addition to protecting your product against oxidation, one of the main factors of deterioration, this type of container also provides you with other advantages. In short, the use of airtight pouches allows your consumption experience.

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